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Hello! I am Maria, an enthusiastic and experienced Science Teacher.

I have been trained at University College London and have had the privilege of teaching in some of London's top-tier schools. My goal as a Biology tutor is to inspire curiosity, build confidence, and help international school students excel in Biology.

Throughout my career, I have taught a wide range of levels, from KS3 to iGCSE, A Level, and most recently International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology, empowering students to grasp complex concepts with ease.

My teaching approach centres on personalised mentorship, ensuring that every student receives the support they need to excel. I am passionate about fostering a love for Biology through engaging resources, and real-world applications.

Whether you're aiming for exam success, deeper understanding, or simply a newfound appreciation for the wonders of Biology, I'm here to guide you.

Please note that while I am bilingual, all lessons are conducted in English.


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